Delta Upsilon Omega Chapter
Saunjah Brantley, Chapter President
Ida L. Jackson brought the presence of Alpha Kappa Alpha to the American West Coast in 1921, chartering Rho Chapter at the University of California Berkley. On August 1, 1933, Beta Theta Chapter was chartered in Seattle, Washington at the Tacoma, Washington home of Sadie McIver. Beta Theta consisted of both undergraduate and graduate members.
By 1948, there were enough members in Beta Theta Chapter to form a second chapter, which would be named Delta Upsilon Omega -- the first graduate chapter in Washington State.
Delta Upsilon Omega’s Charter Members are: Ruth Marie Brown, Ruth Beck Davis, Geraldine Coston, Georgia Gill, Theresa Hailey, Mildred McIver, Merry Newton Cole, Helen Beck Stafford, Doris Wilson, Elvie Watts, Irene Woods, Freddie Braxton, & Thelma DeWitty.
President: Saunjah Brantley
Vice President: Ada Hardy
Recording Secretary: Amia Randazzo
Assistant Recording Secretary: Fallin Ingram
Financial Secretary: Eboni Wilkerson
Corresponding Secretary: Adrienne Holmes
Treasurer: Patricia Hunter
Public Relations Chairman: To be Announced
Membership Chairman: Vivian Jackson
Parliamentarian: Elke Suber
Hostess: Nichole Gaines-Phelps
Chaplain: Sonya Sanders
Graduate Advisor: Jai-Anana Elliott
Assistant Graduate Advisor: Leslie Lawson-Sims
Historian: Latoya Surratt
Sergeant at Arms: Thiia Robinson
Protocol Chair: Brittney Pettway
Technology Chair: Michelle Flowers-Taylor
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